85204 is the home zip code of B & B Pawn and Gold. This makes it the closest and easiest for residents to reach our store. In fact, for SOME Mesa locals in the area, you could literally WALK to us.
85204’s way to B & B Pawn
Since you’re in the same zip code as that of B & B Pawn you have several options to reach us. As stated earlier, if you’re within this zip code (about a mile in) we are in walking distance. Other than that, we have several ways of reaching us. First is by car; just a straight-shot on Stapley Drive. Just go up to Stapley and make the turn into the Sherwood Mesa Plaza Shopping Center. Second, The Valley Metro Route 128 or Route 40 also works out well if you don’t wish to drive.
Benefits and Businesses in 85204
There are several local business and enterprises in the area along with B & B Pawn. One such enterprise is Brother’s Tae Kwon Do, which is a local dojo that helps out with both self-defense and self-improvement. Another local enterprise is the Reed Skate Park, while not as upscale as neighboring parks, it is an excellent stomping ground to better your basic skateboarding skills. Finally, while this isn’t all the business in the area, we like to point out the local Cricket Wireless store nearby.